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Pope Francis intention for June 2022, Every month, Pope Francis comes up with a prayer intention through the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network

Every month, Pope Francis comes up with a prayer intention, through the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network.

This intention is sent out to the general public, for participation and especially, supporting the Pope in prayers for a better World.

Here is the prayer intention of the Pope for the month of June:

For families

We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.

The Pope had been advocating for peace in Ukraine and other parts of the World in times past and knowing that the family is the basic unit that will inculcate this peace into the hearts and minds of Children as they grow, he prays for them.

When there is hatred in a family, then the Children may tend to spread this hatred into other parts where they find themselves and come to think of it, this is how War begins. 

War is started with a disagreement between two people, then it escalates. By the time Children have witness series of domestic violence, they tend to start seeing it as something normal. They think it's OK to raise one's hands on each other, whereby hurting the other person.

The Supreme Pontiff knows the challenges families are facing and he had just iterated one - peace. If the new generation will be peacemakers, not looking at their own selfish interests, the World would be a better place to live.

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