Deliberating on Everything Catholic

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Riaan posted a video on his Facebook account on July 4, saying he wanted to tell his story "with an open heart" at the request of many people who wanted to know the reasons for his decision.

The new Christian convert recalled that he went into Satanism 4 years back "because at that time it had a resonance with me, I was very broken and sad without realizing it."

"I think the reason a lot of people connect with Satanism is that they come from a very broken" or "broken and hurt" background, he said.

Swiegelaar explained that he took the decision to opt out of the Satanic Group after having a solid experience of the love of Jesus Christ, with four specific people.

In May, after granting an interview on a Radio Station while still the leader of SASC, he had a special encounter with a woman who approached him.

“I told her, 'I don't believe in Jesus and I don't believe that Jesus Christ exists,' because he didn't. She approached me after the interview, after I said that and she hugged me in a way that I have never been loved before," recalled Riaan Swiegelaar.

"That's all she did. She just said it was nice to meet me in person. A week later, on WhatsApp, through her status, I saw that this woman is a Christian," he said.

I had never seen a Christian show so much love and unconditional acceptance, despite the things I said, she did that and that stuck with me.”

Riaan recounted that a few days later, when he was doing a satanic ritual to gain more power, "Jesus appeared before me who was extremely arrogant and I said, 'If you are Jesus, you must prove it.'"

After that “ I was flooded with the most beautiful love and energy and I recognized it right away because that woman on the radio station showed it to me. This is how I recognized the love of Christ."

Swiegelaar confessed that he did not believe himself worthy of God's love because he was also involved in the homosexual lifestyle.

The former satanist said that in the last month he has had "real conversations with God" and has been able to see that "the Kingdom of God is not a closed community, it is open to everyone."

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