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You know what i need for my leg? A little Tequila, Pope Francis jokes about what he needs to cure his ailing Knee
Pope Francis blessing attendees at the Mass of canonization of 10 Saints, May 15, 2022 / Credits - Vatican Media

Pope Francis jokes with a group of Mexican Priests in a video that went viral about what he needs for his leg.

While making rounds at Saint Peter's Square in his Popemobile, he met a group of Mexican Priest and the following conversation ensued:

Priest: "Pope Francis, how is your leg, your Knee?"

Pope Francis: "very capricious"

Priest: "Thank you for your smile, your happiness, for being there despite the discomfort. You are an example also to the future Priests."

Pope Francis: You know what i need for my leg? A little Tequila"

Tequila is an alcoholic beverage, made from the blue agave plant, primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila (65km Northwest of Guadalajara), and in the Jaliscan Island of the central \Mexican State of Jalisco.

Tequila was introduced in the !6th century and it's flavours are sweet, fruity and earthy. It's alcoholic volume is about 38-55%.

A lot of people may see reasons to say that the Pope demands an alcoholic drink to cure his ailing Knee, but the Pope actually joked about it since the so called Tequila originated from the Country of the Priests he was conversing with.

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